Sunday Stories: 455 Sackett Street

We are still in Michigan, because I am amazing at procrastination, and far less amazing at packing and organizing. We have been looking at houses in Texas using the Zillow and Realtor apps. It’s fun, but I won’t pick favorites yet, because I need to be there to choose the right house. In the name of procrastination, I get sidetracked and look at houses I never want to buy, but that hold some other unique appeal.

This is 455A Sackett St. in Brooklyn, a relatively unremarkable Brooklyn brownstone. It’s currently for sale for 5.1 million dollars. The inside is beautiful. It has a ton of space and a great floor plan. It also has a history of rumored hauntings, which is what drew me to the property in the first place.

Built in 1901, this townhouse has had numerous tenants, more than expected who have experienced tragedies. Sometime during the 1930s/1940s, there was fire in the home that resulted in the death of a young boy. In the 1960s, a couple were killed in the home by mobsters.

A more detailed account of the misfortunes at 455A Sackett St. comes from Julie, a woman who lived at the address with her family in 1998. While living there, she experienced personal violence when she was raped in her room a month after they moved in. This experience is tragic, but does in correlate with the negative energy in the home? To make matters worse, she couldn’t call for help, because no matter how many times the phone company came out, a working phoneline could not be installed in the townhouse. This was before everyone had cell phones, but I wonder if one would work in the building now?

Everyone in Julie’s family acknowledged that the house was dark, and they constantly felt like they were being watched. Two of her friends had more specific creepy experiences. One claims to have seen a little boy in burnt rags when she looked in the mirror, causing her to run from the apartment crying in terror. Another friend was staying the night when she awoke to seeing a strange woman coming in through the door.

Since she moved out, other families have come forward with their stories. One tried to renovate the basement and supposedly found the corpse of a young boy. Another group of people discovered an alter under the outside staircase in a hidden room along with bloody roller skates and the clothes of a little boy.

Definitely not a place I want to live. Unfortunately I can’t research every address we look at this thoroughly. No worries though. I already have sage sticks packed to cleanse the new house.

Share any haunted real estate in the comments so I know what to avoid.



4 responses to “Sunday Stories: 455 Sackett Street”

  1. Oh my goodness, I could never move into a house knowing that background! Good luck finding your new home in Texas! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right? Property records look as though no one stays there for more than a year. Makes me think that the property still has some negative energy.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This place sounds so creepy but a part of me would love to visit it 🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Visit – sure. Buy it and live there – no way.

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