The Golden Girls – Pilot Episode

Holy Moly! It’s hot outside. I don’t even want my dogs outside in this nonsense for more than a few minutes. We managed to move a load of stuff to storage today, but then spent the rest of the day in the A/C. While Hannah did ABC Mouse and Rob took a nap, I turned on Hulu and watched the first episode of The Golden Girls.

This is the episode where we meet Dorothy, Rose, Blanche and Sophia. Sophia is my favorite. I wish that the creators had made room for both her and Coco though. I think a sassy, gay cook would have been a perfect cohort to Sophia’s unfiltered commentary.

Officially named The Engagement, this episode revolves around Blanche accepting a marriage proposal from Harry, whom she has only known for a week. Holy desperation!!! Rose and Dorothy are worried that they could lose their home if Blanche follows through with her vows. Then there’s the side story of Sophia coming to stay after her retirement home burns down. That’s a lot to cram into a 30 minute show!

Blanche doesn’t marry Harry, because he is arrested for bigamy before the wedding. It couldn’t possibly be because she came to her senses and realized she was rushing into a relationship. 🤦‍♀️ But at least we get the happy ending of friendship, which is what makes this such a comfort show.

Rating: 8/10

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